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Hidden Horrors of the Office!

Work environments vary as much as fingerprints.  Depending on the industry and type of work, a typical work space could be anything from a downtown high-rise filled with cubicles or an industrial warehouse filled to the brim with the latest tech to a dilapidated medical building from the 1930’s or even a retro-fit garage.  One thing that doesn’t seem to change is the amount of bacteria, dirt and debris that can pile up in these “home away from home” areas.
Many work spaces and offices can have the appearance of being completely clean but most of the time it is merely a surface clean.  Without getting into the nitty, gritty industrial deep cleaning that most well-populated spaces desperately need, you may not be aware of the horrors posing a threat to your health and home.
Here Are Some Surprising Statistics About Most Office Space…
  • The average office worker’s desk has about 10 million bacteria residing on it.  That’s 400 times more than the average toilet seat!
  • 27% of Americans eat breakfast at their desks while 62% eat lunch their.  This makes a mess of crumbs at work stations.
  • Only 20% of those people eating at their desks have cleaned it off before eating on it.
  • There are over 20,000 germs per square inch living on your keyboard, mouse and office chair.  PER SQUARE INCH.
lunch at desk
  • 25% of water cooler buttons are a serious risk for transmission of disease.  Perhaps use a napkin to press the button otherwise you might want to keep those water cooler chats to a minimum!
  • 75% of washroom sink handles can also spread contagious diseases.  DON’T try to think about what is on there!
  • Office phones harbor 25,000 germs per square inch.  Again, PER SQUARE INCH.  Face mask and gloves anyone?
  • On average, men’s workspaces are 20% dirtier than women’s.  Hmm… I bet we all know some that are reversed.
  • We spend nearly 87% of our time outside but the air quality in a closed office space is usually 500% worse than the air outdoors.  500% WORSE!  Open up those windows!
Water Cooler Chat
And the worst for last… well, perhaps the most disgusting.
  • The dirtiest places in an office are the microwave, sink, vending machine, water fountains, sink, keyboards and computer mice.
  • Without DAILY deep cleaning, the bacteria on surfaces in an office increase by 30% each day.
And, yes, the very worst of them all…
  • 70% of dust particles are made of dead skin flakes.  Paul… is that you?
Who knew an office space could be such a hidden disaster?!?  When it’s time to clean your work areas, be sure to use the right cleanser for each surface because most chemicals will do different things.  Make sure to sanitize every area to limit the exposure of contagions spreading.  Taking a few minutes each day to properly sanitize and eliminate most bacteria can be absolutely priceless in keeping you healthy.  Happy Cleaning!
When you need an industrial clean with the best eco-friendly products in the industry, call DM Industrial Janitorial Service!


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