Nowadays, the average person doesn’t have much time in their busy schedules to devote to cleaning their home. While cleaning your home from top to bottom may seem like it takes all day, realistically, you are wasting precious minutes doing things other than any actual cleaning. Here are a few ways in which you can cut down the time it takes to keep your home spotless.
Using different products for every item in every room is a huge waste of time and energy. You can be much more efficient by sticking to 3 or 4 products that can handle most surfaces and materials. You should always keep your cleaning products and tools where you plan on using them. For instance, store bathroom cleaning supplies under the sink or in the closet and kitchen sponges, gloves and chemicals should be left in that room. Try and keep universal cleaners in a central part of your home.
Maintenance and Prep
Certain tasks may seem the most unpleasant but that’s usually because they are not regularly maintained. Showers and bathtubs should be cleaned every other week using a universal product and microfiber cloth to cover more area in less time. By keeping it on a bi-weekly schedule, there is FAR LESS dirt and grime collected and the cleaning becomes a snap.
If you have pets, keep them brushed regularly. This cuts down drastically on pet hair left around the home and makes your cleaning routine so much easier to manage. Invest in a great vacuum for picking up pet hair – it’s worth it in the long run because simple sweeping just doesn’t pass muster. Consider keeping windows closed during pollen season so dust doesn’t cover every surface in your home. Install air filters to keep particles at bay and keep clutter to a minimum. For some reason clutter seems to make dust multiply.
Make sure you clean your kitchen every day that you cook. Not the entire room top to bottom but the parts that you used such as stove top, counters, cabinet and refrigerator handles , etc. By staying on top of it right after you eat, it takes less time to maintain and is easier to clean because it hasn’t had a chance to harden. Try and do dishes after each meal to reduce clutter in the sink.
Jedi Strategize
Dissect each room like you are coordinating plans to overrun the Death Star. Clean from top to bottom so dust and dirt fall from the ceiling down and don’t ruin freshly cleaned surfaces. Start with ceiling fans and high shelves, then work down to furniture levels and leave the floors to clean last. For bigger rooms, break it into four chunks and clean a chunk top to bottom before moving on to the next one. You will find that you don’t have to think too deeply and seem to sail through the cleaning.
Try and start with the worst thing in the room first. If you get it out of the way earlier, the rest of the room is a cakewalk and you don’t have anything looming over your shoulder creating dread. For instance, in the kitchen clean the stove top first and you should tackle the shower before anything else in the bathroom. Once you eliminate the obvious headaches, the rest of the room is clean before you know it. If you keep up on your maintenance, none of these surfaces should be that bad to begin with.
Focus is Key
The first thing to remember is not to get overwhelmed. You can start with your kitchen, bathrooms and household floors at first and over time add in other rooms to your routine. As time goes on you will notice that your regulars are taking hardly any time to complete and that everything gets easier and easier. Following the same routine each week will take the thought out of it and get your body into auto-pilot for better efficiency.
To get that sparkle finish, after you clean a room, spray the surfaces with vinegar and wipe with a microfiber cloth. Once you do this, doors, glass, kitchen appliances, porcelain and other fixtures will gleam. Giving it a professional look will lift your spirits and make you feel like everything is in tip-top shape.
Turn your phone off so you can concentrate on the task at hand. Checking Facebook or getting in a long phone conversation with your neighbor is only going to pull your focus and make cleaning seem more daunting. It’s best to do it while your dander is up and get it out of the way early on so you can enjoy the rest of your day in a spotless space.
Reward Yourself
It’s important to set goals for yourself in regards to cleaning. Sometimes a person feels better or a sense of achievement just by having a tidy home. Other times you may need a little motivation such as hosting a BBQ or wine night with pals to enjoy the freshly scrubbed space. Whatever does the trick in making you value and appreciate a clean home is worth its weight in gold.
If you have too big of a home for one person or barely have time in your day to eat and sleep, you may want to consider calling a professional cleaning service. They can take the burden off of your shoulder and have you coming home to a fresh, shining clean and be able to keep your sanity at the same time. Whether you clean on your own or have someone do it for you, having these quick tips in your back pocket can keep you organized and efficient.
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