You may not realize it but one of the most highly trafficked areas of your home and office is the refrigerator. While you may not see other family members or co-workers on a regular schedule because everyone is busy and coming and going, they are all hitting the fridge at one point or another. From foraging for food to storing drinks and lunches, your cool pal may be seeing a lot of excitement but not a lot of care and consideration. Use these Pro tips to help keep your refrigerator filth-free and smelling great! Pre-Clean Wipe down jam jars, ketchup bottles, salad dressing containers, etc. BEFORE you put it back in the fridge. This helps keep the mess in check before it has a chance to drip onto shelves. Rotten Towards The Front Keep all foods that have a tendancy to go bad right away, such as lettuce and fruit, where you can see it. If you can, devote a shelf to those perishable items so you know to eat those things firs...